Mike Krieger Success Story

Mike Krieger Success Story

Mike Krieger

What happens when you and your friend are thinking of building a company and the mobile photographs seem to be the best idea? Probably, if you’re crazy like Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom, you end up building Instagram. The whole world now clicks pictures and shares on Instagram. This is a big deal in breakthrough ideas. Krieger is a symbolic system systems student, specialized in human-computer interactions from Stanford University. He had interned with the Microsoft PowerPoint team as a PM and at Fox Marks as a software developer.  He was always a brilliant student, full of charm. He met Kevin at the Mayfield Fellows Program which taught both the successful and failed start-ups, offered internship programs and worked on the innovative ideas of the students.

mike krieger

After they both met, they started talking and Mike liked Kevin’s idea of helping start a company. Mike joined hands with Kevin and stated working on Kevin’s earlier project of Burbn. They built Burbn, which was a HTML5 web app which allowed users to check in locations and earn credits for posting photos and hanging out with friends.

It was then when the idea came to their mind that if they want to build a company, they have to be certainly good at one thing. So they worked on the version which focused solely on the photos, but that turned out to be disastrous. But Mike didn’t lose hope, he suggested Kevin to work on the native version and launch it for the mobile. The mobile app for the iPhone overran the features and that resulted as an addition to the injury.

mike krieger and kevin systrom

That was the time Mike suggested to start from the scratch and remove every other thing except the photographs, like and comment parts and the result was Instagram. They renamed it because Instagram is a title that suggested of instant photograph or telegram. At first they gave the app to their friends asked for reviews and fixed the bugs that were found. Later it was on October 06, 2010 that they launched this free service of sharing free photographs online to the world and created a new trend of sharing photographs over the World Wide Web.

Instagram now become a must have app in the smart phones and is bringing new innovations every fortnight. Mike says that Instagram may be the app that took 8 weeks to build and ship but it is a product of work that continued for more than a year. 

Interview with Instagram Founders