World’s Smartest And Talented Millennials

We can go on and on, and for any young people reading this right now, these are the type of peers you should be looking up to as role models, but let’s talk about why these young people are successful, and how you can be too.
1. They are Choosing their Own Path
Success has multiple definitions. For some, it is financial. For others, social impact trumps wallet size, and still others prioritize artistic expression, lifestyle design, or other factors. None of the amazing contributors to 2 Billion Under 20 waited for someone to dictate a path for them to follow. They chose to seek certain mentors, opportunities, and information that would accelerate their growth while others remained stuck in the status quo
2. They are Humble and Generous
Everyone featured in 2 Billion Under 20 is extremely busy, yet all of our 75 contributors took time out of their schedules to write and rewrite their submissions for the book. It was important for them to share with the world their experiences, lessons learned, and stories of triumph in order to inspire you and tens of thousands of other people across the globe to take action themselves. Many of the book contributors have also started large nonprofits benefitting students, abused animals, bullied LGBT youth, disadvantaged farmers in third world countries, and those plagued by poverty.
3. They Find Each Other and Work Together
Beyond the book, many of the contributors have interacted together in an online community we’ve created. Most of the entrepreneurs featured in the book have co-founders, and remaining contributors in the worlds of sports, art, science, and more can revert back to others who’ve helped them along their journey. Success is a team sport, and this book is an example of an all-star team. To be successful, you need to surround yourself with top-notch talent and hang out with winners.
4. They are Transparent and Authentic
In these pages are the deeply personal, transparent, and touching stories of many young people who faced adversity, contemplated suicide, experienced the loss of loved ones, and more. Rather than forgetting their past or hiding from mistakes, however, the reason the stories shared in 2 Billion Under 20 are success stories is largely attributable to the fact that these contributors are transparent and authentic with others and themselves. With others, transparency builds trust and valuable relationships you can leverage to create success. With ourselves, transparency allows for improvement.It simply isn’t true that Millennials are “screwed”, a word that may pop up from Google’s auto-suggestion tool if you type “Millennials are” into the search engine.