Top 30 Teenage Entrepreneurs Who Made Millions

Success, at the broadest of definition, isn't something that is related to a college degree, having lots of money etc. It’s all about your own personal satisfaction and accomplishments you have achieved along the way.
While many people argue that success comes with age, below listed are 30 of the very young entrepreneurs that strongly objectify this notion. We might as well get inspired from their fascinating achievements!
1. Sabirul Islam - Author
Islam published his book The World at Your Feet and sold many copies worldwide.
2. Brian Wong - Founder, Kiip
Wong founded Kiip, platform for real-world rewards for gaming achievement, at the age of 19.
3. Farrah Gray - Cosmetics
Gray sold homemade cosmetics and lotions.
4. Juliette Brindak - Founder, Miss O & Friends
Juliette Brindak founded Miss O & Friends, which was targeted toward teenage girls containing celebrity gossips, girl-oriented games, puzzles and articles. Procter & Gamble invested in the website with $15 million.
5. Savannah Britt - Publisher
Britt, at the age of 12, started publishing her fashion magazine for her website Website was directed to the needs of the teenage girls.
6. Tyler Dikman - Cooltronics
Dikman started Cooltronics at the age of 15.
7. Mark Bao - Founder,
During his high school, Bao founded The application attracted well over 250,000 users within few weeks.
8. Catherine Cook - Founders, My Yearbook
At the age of 15 and 17 years respectively, this brother and sister duo founded My Yearbook. Currently, the site has over 20 million members with $20 million evaluation.
9. John Koon - Sports website
Koon became famous at the age of 16 with his Extreme Performance Motorsports website.
10. Adam Horwitz - Mobile Monopoly
By the time he was 21, Horwitz’s company was already evaluated as a multi-million dollar enterprise. His specialization was online courses on earning money using digital technology.
11. Madison Robinson - FishFlops
Robinson founded a footwear line for kids and adults at the age of 8
12. John Magennis - Web design
John Magennis started a web design company at the age of 14. Now the company’s net worth is in millions.
13. Sean Belnick - Founder,
Belnick created the online furniture retailer website at the age of 14. The company's net worth is $42 million.
14. Nick D’Aloisio - App developer
At the age of 17, D’Aloisio sold his mobile news app to Yahoo for $30 million.
15. Chris Phillips - Domain hosting
Chris Phillips started, for registering, selling domains and hosting sites.
16. Cameron Johnson - Invitation cards
At the age of 9, Johnson started selling invitation cards and 6 years later he owned the company Cheers and Tears.
17. Stanley Tang - Author
At the age of 14, Tang is the youngest bestselling author for eMillions.
18. Christian Owens - Founder, Mac Box Bundle & Branch
At the age of 14 and 15 respectively, Owens founded Mac Box Bundle & Branchr, a pay-per-click company.
19. Adam Hildreth - Founder, Dubit
Adam Hildreth founded Dubit, a social networking site in UK. A year later, he founded an online child protection technology, Crisp Thinking.
20. Robert Nay - App developer, Bubble Ball
At the age of 14, he developed the smash hit game 'Bubble Ball'. Within just two weeks, Nay earned $2 million from downloads.
21. Leanna Archer – Entrepreneur in Beauty
Archer began selling her own beauty products at the age of 9. Now she earns more than $180,000 every year from her online sale.
22. Scott Ferreira - Founders,
The site now acquired by was a great hit attracting many users.
23. Emil Motycka - Motycka Enterprises
Motycka established a lawn mowers company at the age of 13.
24. Fraser Doherty - Jam maker
Doherty applied jam making skills from grandmother and converted it to a full grown business, supplying to all major UK stores.
25. Andrew Hsu - Founder, Airy Labs
With 3 bachelor degrees and a PhD, Hsu founded Airy Labs at the age of 19.
26. Ritik Malhotra - Programmer
Ritik is a co-founder of a Silicon Valley Prep and founded online comics’ website.
27. Ashley Qualls - Founder,
Qualls launched the website in 2004 that provided web graphics and layouts for social media users. He turned down the offer for $1.5 million.
28. Daniel Gomez Iniguez - CEO, Solben
At the age of 17, Iniguez started Solben - a biodiesel technology company.
29. Hart Main - Scented candles
Main’s idea of scented candles came when he was teasing his sister about scented candles.
30. Connor Zwick - Web development
Zwick’s passion with javascript enabled him to establish his own online course at the age of 16.
These are some of the remarkable achievements of millionaires who reached success at a very young age with sheer innovation and vision. And as they say, age is just a number!