Famous Motivational Quotes from Abdul Kalam on Students

" Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident "
" End is not the end, if fact E.N.D. means “Effort Never Dies" "
" It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone "
" For me, there are two types of people: the young and the experienced "
" Dream, Dream Dream, Dreams transform into thoughts. And thoughts result in action "
Abdul Kalam is one many professionals cum politicians to have over time built a large following owing to his lifestyle, achievements and thoughtful quotes. Abdul Kalam’s career saw him begin as a scientist though he later turned to politics eventually becoming the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. All through his tenure as president he was known for very memorable quotes for students, leadership and religion all of which provide o much inspiration and insight today (Most Inspirational Quotes by Abdul Kalam)
It would be fair to assume that these memorable quotes were inspired by events during his childhood. Kalam’s family suffered a traumatic experience while growing that saw his father’s business collapse leading to property loses. Following this unfortunate incident during early childhood, Kalam dedicated himself to study and was reported to be a diligent student. His hard work all through his schooling years paid off and saw him work in many positions such as nuclear and weapons assignments.
As the Indian President he will be remembered as a champion of the poor and downtrodden in society. For this reason he was often fondly referred to as the People’s President; one who often spoke his mind and constantly offered the youth and students valuable advice, guidance and moving quotes in his speeches.
He passed away suddenly after his term as president from a heart attack during a lecture at Shillong; even during this trying period for the nation, his achievements continued to stand out. He was mourned by many and received numerous accolades from international personalities from all walks of life including Barrack Obama who remembered him for his work on improving relations between the nations in space and nuclear study.
Though he was a practicing Muslim he will be remembered as a strong advocate for interfaith tolerance as is evident in his efforts to meet religious personalities of all faiths including a Hindu Guru whom he described as his ultimate spiritual guide. In many ways, Kalam was without parallel and will always be remembered as a simple person but very passionate person; his memorable quotes still linger and many strive to implement these thoughts in their lives even today.