7 Speaking Qualities All Leaders Have

It is not easy to become a great leader without possessing certain qualities which speak for themselves as well as having great interpersonal skills. Right from school to our college days we have learnt grammar, business, maths and some history. But is it enough to become a great leader? Of course, I don't say that these things are of no use. But in addition to these things, there are certain other qualities that make you a skillful leader.
Believe me, there are no born leaders. They constantly sharpen their skills to be one. There are some speaking qualities which every powerful leader possesses. But what are the qualities great leaders possess?
They Gain Trust
Imagine you have a boss, but you are reluctant to communicate with him. Why? He doesn't win your trust. An effective leader is one who has the trust of his followers. When the element of trust is there, people will automatically be encouraged to open up. It will help to develop and maintain a good relationship. When the relationship is smooth the employees work more effectively.
Don't demand trust or respect. Command it. The employees should be able to smile when they see you. That is the power of trust!
They Encourage Others to Talk
During olden times leaders talk and the followers obey them without a word of disapproval. But time has changed. In the modern organizations monologue never works. An effective leader should encourage the employees also to talk. This will help to perform a task better. Listen to them completely when they are trying to contribute to the organization.
They Speak with Clarity
Imagine I have a high command over the language. But using that language I tend to confuse others. My employees don't understand anything. The result is I am out even before I realize that. Similarly, a powerful leader should communicate effectively. He should talk clearly and in simple words. Time lost in doing wrong tasks will seriously affect the performance of a company. So be clear while talking.
They Have the Ability to Change the Views of Others
Successful leaders have the ability to perceive and acquire knowledge while talking. They also have the capability to lead people towards their goals by motivating and redefining employees' goals. For example, the boss talks to an employee about the number of sales to be done for getting a bonus, he is changing or redefining his goals. He would have imagined to getting a salary of 5000 dollars. Now his boss is reshaping his plan of earning 5000 dollars to 6-7,000 dollars.
They are Approachable and Affable
Successful leaders are those who build up a good rapport with his employees. He should have an open mind and listen to the employees when they have a different opinion about something.
They Listen to Others Speak
Have you ever imagined that people listen and understand what they want to hear? Suppose you are a leader and tell your team to achieve sales of 7000 dollars. They assume that you asked them to achieve only 5000 because this figure is already stuck in their mind. But an effective leader not only tries to encourage the members to discuss the difficulties faced by them while doing their job, but also tell them the way to remove these hurdles.
They have Empathy Instead of Sympathy
Sympathy is simply feeling sad for others. But empathy is stepping into the shoes of others and realizing their pain. Successful leaders solve other's problems by helping to improve the other's situation.
These are the 7 great qualities which will make you a successful Public Speaker.