Life is A Dance- Find Your Soul!

Let us discuss soul searching You need to reach deep within yourself to understand you deepest thoughts. Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato must have been of the same mindset. On a similar subject he said Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue. He is implying that there is a place so deep within humanity called our soul that is responsible for internalizing data and in turn relating it to a usable concept, a virtue. Keep in mind that our soul is the unseen part of our existence. In fact, many attribute the soul of man to be where our mind, will and emotions function. So all that we think, imagine and reason are a by product of the condition of our soul. We are souls, walking around having a human experience. That should change our perspective greatly about life!
As Plato stated, words and thoughts put to a harmonious rhythm or music has a certain movement built in. We all will have our time to sync with the world to choreograph an elaborate routine. That routine is really what our life becomes. Whether good or bad, fulfilling or mundane, our lives are the sum total of how we approach our dance. Movement has unlimited potential to influence our mood, outlook and even expectation from the world around us. Let’s keep this in mind as we look at several benefits of the dance of life we currently are involved in.
1. Someone Has To Lead, Might As Well Be God
You are only as good as the one you decide tofollow. At some point we have to ask ourselves; where are we getting direction? As you walk into your local mall, you will see all the stores lined up for you to visit. But to get a better perspective of their location, you’ll have to find the directory board that has the big red dot saying You Are Here Why? Because to see where you should go, you have to know where you are. That’s where God comes in. As the author and finisher of our faith, He has a keen understanding of every step we need to take. So let Him do the leading
2. Objects In Motion Tend To Stay In Motion
Sir Isaac Newton nailed this within his three masterlaws of motion. He discovered that every object in a state of movement will remain in that movement until an external force is applied to stop it. For us to be hindered, we have to allow outside situations to affect our internal movement. Remember that as you dance, you will have many opportunities to look around and take notice of negativity. The moment you switch your focus from your movement to the mess, you are doomed to get stuck. Focus on your own dance.
3. A Storm Is A Perfect Place To Have A Dance off
It’s been said “Life isn’t about waiting for thestorm to pass It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Can you imagine all of the incredible things you would have missed out on if you waited for the sky to clear before you began? How many relationships, experiences or opportunities would have been squandered away? No, life boils down to much more than crisis management. It is about being purpose driven. And our highest purpose is to see joy in every single state of life. Storms come, but they should never deter us from our life’s dance.
Your life has been beckoning you to the floor. You’ve been called out! Life is standing there waiting for you to finally show up and show off. This is your moment, your time to shine. The musical scene has been set and the remaining question is this; Are you ready to dance?