6 Steps to Communicate Constructive Criticism

Constructive Criticism is one of the most important aspects of criticizing someone fear, weaknesses, and failures in a constructive way. We would rather compile this by saying realizing someone’s mistake using a positive approach.
Let us move step-wise to learn how actually Constructive Criticism works while communication:
First Step -Three Layer Approach
This system where the first layer focuses on the positive aspects of a question of the problem that have come across your way. The second layer will emphasize on the criticism part where you will communicate about the errors or failures in a positive way and the last but not the least layer is to give a solution to the problem rectifying errors of the other person.
Second Step - Current Situation
To focus on the current situation and not the person who is stuck in that situation. For example, if a person is wearing dirty clothes, then you can ask him that your clothes are dirty instead of pointing him and saying that you are dirty. Don’t use statements that can hurt a person’s ego.
Third Step - Always giving Feedback
Feedback is must to the person you are talking to. For example, if you are a boss of any company and you ask for the demo report from one of your marketing employee. If you don’t like any particular aspect of his or her report then you should make him clear about the things that you don’t like. Give your marketing representative key points that need improvement instead of commenting that your marketing report is not good or acceptable.
Fourth Step - Focus
We should be focused on things that can be taken into account rather than talking about things that are beyond control. The main purpose of giving any feedback is to see the improvement and if you comment on things that cannot be rectified, then you will just end up wasting your comment and reputation as well. For example, if a sales person has submitted his or her sales report, then you can analyze his or her weaker areas and ask him or her for the improvement rather than punishing for the report submitted because you have no control on that report now.
Fifth Step - Areas of Improvement
You need to present your criticism in a constructive way. When you recommend something for the improvement, make sure the points or the things you suggest for improvement are in control of the other person and there is scope for improvement.
Sixth Step - Avoid Assumptions
Assumptions are the root cause of any problematic situation, so better you should go for facts without assuming things. Don’t assume that the other person can or can’t do the things you suggest. You need to present your ideas and see how the other person accepts your feedback.
Hope these steps will help you present your ideas in a constructive way that would surely be acceptable in an organization. Go ahead and make your communication constructive.