Secrets to Giving Constructive Criticism

Giving performance reviews is a tough job. Constructive criticism has become an effective part and parcel for improvement in the organisations these days. A healthy feedback motivates employees to enhance their workforce. Most of the business associates do not face any difficulty in giving a constructive criticising to their employee, but it is this feedback that upsurges the turnover rates of the company.
Focus on the Circumstances and Not the Person
Personal comments should not be made, like on personality, traits, attire or habits, but concentrate on the situation. Try not to make personal remarks like ‘you are sick’ of him or ‘you are tired’ of him, as this disheartens the individual. Instead of going on about how bad the things are, one should criticise constructively about how the things could have taken a better shape or improved, by setting examples. Share your ideas and don’t hold them back.
Be Specific
Try to clear your stand and be clear and specific with your points. Instead of criticizing the behavior of the person, tell them to focus on that particular behavior which you want them to change. Instead of beating around the bush, make your vision clear. Along with criticizing the drawbacks, also, count the positivity so as to encourage them to do better in future keeping their weaker aspects in mind, so as not to make the same mistake again.
Manage your attitude
It is the best way to change others. First, manage your attitude, check your tone, anger or a negative mind set. Think about how you can help them to change. If you have a positive and cool mindset, then the conversation will be better and the outcome of it sometimes can do wonders. Try not to delay in giving feedback. One should give away the constructive criticism to a person instantly and not wait for months to pass by as such kind of criticism doesn’t work effectively.
Feedback sandwich method
It is the most popular method of giving constructive feedback. Your feedback should be divided into three segments, which are ‘Praise, Improve and Praise’. It works magnificently, first focus on the strengths, regarding the things you liked, secondly criticize the aspects that you didn’t like and point out the areas of improvement, lastly wind up our feedback by considering reiteration of the positive criticism given at the beginning and consider the positive results that can be gained if the feedback is taken into consideration.
Share and give space
Instead of contemplating on how the things are going from bad to worse, try to share how it is affecting you. Shift the focus on yourself and let the person try to evaluate the situation. Ask them how things are going around. Give them space and a free hand. Consider their views and give them equal importance. This attitude of yours can make them feel more responsible towards their task landing with fewer errors in future.
Boost your business performance by giving constructive criticism to your employee. If you listen to your employee, he too will give heed to your criticism. Take your employees’ feedback for a constructive criticism, as it is a two-way process, for a cordial workplace where the focus is to turn an experience into a positive one.