Ben Carson Quotes
Born on September 18, 1951 Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon and Politician in Detroit, Michigan. He has written numerous books during his Political and medical stances. Later in 2015, he announced that he will be running for the Presidential Polls of 2016 at a rally in Detroit.
1. common people

"We have much more in common with other people than we have apart."
2. Education

"Education is a fundamental principle of what made America a success. We can't afford to throw any young people away."
3. Take the Risk

"A lot of people simply don't realize their potential because they're just so risk adverse. They just don't want to take the risk."
4. Faith in God

"I serve God, and my purpose is to please Him, and if God be for you, who can be against you?"
5. perseverance

"Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams."
6. Faith

"Evolution and creationism both require faith. It's just a matter of where you choose to place that faith."
7. Throw Away

"There is no one that we can afford to throw away."
8. Politicians

"I'm not a politician. I don't want to be a politician, because politicians do what is politically expedient. I want to do what's right."
9. Potential

"There is so much potential out there in young people and they aren't getting the right information or being encouraged in the right ways. This is our duty as a society."
10. Leadership

"I think one of the keys to leadership is recognizing that everybody has gifts and talents. A good leader will learn how to harness those gifts toward the same goal."
11. Intelligent People

"Intelligent people tend to talk about the facts. They don't sit around and call each other names. That's what you can find on a third grade playground."
12. Weakend Ourselves

"What we have to stop and think about is that we have weakened ourselves militarily to such an extent that it affects all of our military policies."
Ben Carson’s quotes were full of inspiration. He would write quotes for genres such as Faith, Dreams, Work, Power, Media, Politics, Medical Health, Moral, etc. His quotes were real and followed no caste or race. According to Ben, Motivation to do something starts beneath oneself. Motivation is a driving force which helps accomplish goals, desires, aims and visions. Imagination can trigger one’s motivation to take an ultra speed and one will thrive for success. He quotes regarding having can lead path to success
Being Real and being oneself is what required to be successful in life. Enthusiasm to do something is equally important. You have to feel enthusiast about your goal to achieve and that's where you get power, making it to the top beating the odds. Hard work, time, willpower are all elements needed to attain success. We should devote our time to what we feel enthusiast about to keep ourselves motivated. Life is like a Nintendo game where one loses and one wins, however, the winner is one who strike upon failure and move ahead to beat the winner to be the winner. Being happy and jolly is always needed to keep focused on one goal.,