7 Ways To Teach The Essence Of Time Management To Your Child

It is very rightly said that ‘Time Management is Life Management’. Lot of motivational gurus stress on the importance of time management and developing the skill in professionals and college students. But time management is equally important for children to learn. For most people, time management only takes importance once they enter the professional arena. Life, otherwise, is meant to be easy-going for kids and students. But this is where one needs to take corrective measures. One of the many reasons why most college students and professionals procrastinate is because they didn’t develop the skill at the right time.
Time management defines success in life and the earlier you teach your child the essence of time management, the better it will help them to be successful at school and be more efficient and productive with their time. This will also help them become more independent and define a successful path for themselves in life.
Following certain tips can help you teach your child the essence of time management. A few of them are as follows:
1. Begin at home
The best way to teach your child the essence of time management is by defining priorities at home and setting responsibilities for them at a young age. It could be as simple as walking the dog every evening or making their own bed when they wake up and praying daily before leaving for school. These small responsibilities will go a long way in teaching your child the importance of time management.
2. Weekly Hygiene Check
Mark a calendar in the bathroom that tells your child to update you about his weekly hygiene routine. This habit will inculcate the importance of utilizing time to keep them neat and presentable at all times. It could also include keeping back their toiletries in place once they come out of the shower.
3. Lesser TV Time
TV has become children’s best friend these days. They can remain glued to it all day long. But here is when you can inculcate time management skills in your child without being too harsh on him. Let your child decide how many hours he will spend watching TV and what shows will he be watching. Make a TV chart and have him write down these details on it, which can then be placed next to the TV. This will not only teach your child to utilize his time better, but it may also open up avenues for other leisure activities.
4. Post-School Time Management
Have your child make his own chart on how he thinks he should be spending post-school hours. How many hours does he need to finish his homework, what would his TV and play time be, whether he wants to enroll into any sport or hobby class and if yes, how many days a week? It could also include helping you with laying the table. Have him jot this down and check it off once a task is done.
5. Use the Right Time Management Tools
Use time management tools such as clocks, timers, planners, calendars, and markers. These will help them keep a check on the time-slots set by them and stick to it.
6. Homework Time
One of the most important things that needs time management is homework. Help your child create a homework calendar and place it on his study table. Have him list down the assignments to be submitted for the week. This will help your child keep a track of deadlines.
7. Sleep Time and Break Time
It is essential for kids to get ample rest, ideally 8 hours of bedtime at night. Help your child create his own bedtime routine and make him sleep at a certain time daily. This will not only keep him energized during the day, but also help create a routine.
These 7 self-management tips will go a long way in teaching your child the essence of time management. They will make him more efficient with his skills and time.