5 Simple Steps to Escape the Rat Race

Today’s fast pace life leaves no space to breathe. Blame the society or blame human nature whose ‘wants’ never satiate. The vertical growth in things that are believed to make our lives comfortable is taking a toll on our lifestyle. We are subconsciously getting driven to the blind greed of owning maximum stuff and to achieve that goal, most of us are bound to participate in the rat race, a race akin to survival of the fittest.
This rat race has robbed off dreams, peace, happiness, and harmony of many. First, you go against your heart and oblige your brain, then you accuse yourself of not following your heart. After managing to secure your place in the horde of 9 to 5 jobs, you realize that was not what you aspired for. The crazy rat race makes you a puppet in the hands of time; leave alone self, you can hardly take out time for family and friends.
The moment you begin to think of life away from the rat race is the precise moment to take a journey within and analyze what different you can do. To help you materialize your dream, here are five simple steps to escape the rat race:
1. Analyze Your True Potential
Take some time off and identify your potential. A routine work doesn’t give you enough opportunities to showcase your talent. Every human is granted with a unique skill; we only need to identify and hone it. No talent goes waste; it rewards you some way or the other provided you stay true to it.
2. Start Up Your Business
Have you killed your dream of becoming an entrepreneur because you were advised to earn your bread and butter first? Yes, we have been taught right from our first day in school that we must become independent by depending on others for our livelihood in the form of salary.
Break the jinx and set yourself free. It’s a myth that you don’t get time for yourself. A couple of hours a day is enough to give shape to your own business. You can devote your time to expand your business on weekends. Once it clicks, you can disentangle yourself completely from the mad rat race.
3. Become a Member of MLM (Multi- Level Marketing)
Today several things are being sold through multi-level marketing, also known as network marketing, referral marketing, or pyramid marketing. This form of marketing doesn’t require you to quit your job and you get benefitted from your referrals and the sales are done by the people below you in the network. Viz. Amway.
4. Abandon Unnecessary Material Stuff and Limit Your Buying
The first and foremost preaching that pushes us into rat race is to win the competition of owning things like a big house, a big car, etc. Do not become a slave of things. Do not buy to quantify your life. Only indulge in things that increase the quality of your life. You will be amazed at the ease in your life and will no longer feel the need to be a part of the rat race.
5. Secure Your Future Through Investments
Your plan to move out of rat race may get scuppered if you spend all your earnings. Be wise and invest in plans that help in wealth creation. Secure your future and enjoy the activities you always wanted to do. Live to the fullest.
As Mandy Hale said “You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens”. Being in rat race may drain your energy and enthusiasm to see life differently. Quit it Now!