Share Your Success Story

I was asked by Success Story to be a contributor. It left me wondering…am I really a success story? What does success look like?
How to be Successful in life ?
Does it look like me?
I’m not famous, and thankfully not infamous either. I haven’t made a fortune on “The Street,” nor have I amassed real estate around the world. If I walked by you on 6th Avenue in New York, you wouldn’t take a second look. Although I will say I do wear great, colorful shirts. It’s my “brand.”J
But without all of those other benchmarks of status, am I a success story?
I guess it does, in part, depend on what you think success looks like. I’m quite satisfied with my career in marketing, thank you. Could I be bigger, bolder, and more powerful? Sure. I’m still working on that, but I am helping to run one of the largest public relations firms on the planet. It’s great work. ( Famous Success Quotes )
I’m quite satisfied with the three marketing books that I’ve written in The Experience Effect series. They aren’t New York Times best sellers, but they helped me to find my voice and led to the creation of my daily blog that keeps me writing. I’ve learned to love writing. Heck, the first book I ever wrote won a silver medal for best marketing book the year I released it. Something my mother would have put on the refrigerator door back in the day.
Truthfully, none of any of it has come easy
I built my “success story” while raising two children. After an identity-shattering divorce. After realizing who I am and what I want out of life. I was a married, divorced, single, gay, coupled, and active caregiving dad at a time when really none of the above was accepted or discussed. Not even the active dad part, and certainly not when the label of “gay” was thrown in the mix. It may seem odd by today’s standards, at least in some places like New York. But back in the day I faced a constant struggle. I had to make career choices and give up big job opportunities in order to remain an active caregiver. I have a journal to prove it.
When I later met my partner (soon to be husband), he jumped into my world of parenting and then suddenly we are two adult men with two little kids. Candyland and all. He had to cope with giving up his career and helping to take care of the kids just like I did. In fact, I wouldn’t have been able to move my career forward if he hadn’t decided to stall his. How to be a succesful person
That’s what couples do; that’s what families do. So back to the original question…am I a success story?
For me personally, yes. Yes. I’m satisfied with my life’s work, and it’s still growing and flourishing. I’ve raised two (now) adult children who are starting to flourish as well. I’m in a committed relationship and we now finally have the chance to get married and gain equal footing. I’d say that’s a success story, at least in my book. In fact, my new book Out and About Dad chronicles my entire journey as a father from her cradle (my daughter that is) to his graduation (my son that is). It’s been a journey filled with lots of twists, turns, and a few twirls…all on the road toward happiness.
Did I write it because I think I’m a success story? No.
I wrote it because I hope it’ll help people. I hope it’ll help people to overcome their own barriers, whatever they may be, and to find happiness like I did. I hope it show people that you can juggle the many demands put upon us, and you can overcome societal pressures.
Yes, we can have our dream and live it to
I hope my book helps just one person going through what I went through, or at least help one person who’s going through whatever they are going through right now. I hope it helps just one person.
Then it will truly be a success story.