20 Most Productive Time management Tricks I Wish I Knew Earlier

In this busy life, there is always a risk that we might lag behind. For overcoming such considerations, it is necessary to properly manage our time and conduct to achieve the maximum out of limited.
Given below are 20 tips to manage your time effectively for optimum benefits:
1. Planning
In order to initiate any work and to move forward with it, planning is a necessity. Planning gives one direction and prevents our energy from being wasted in useless stress and failed attempts. Planning provides a clear picture of the task about to be done and hence we accomplish it effectively.
2. Prioritizing
If we have too many tasks to be accomplished, then it is important to prioritize certain works. Prioritizing helps us to accomplish tasks which are to be done immediately and thus we are exposed to little stress and optimum time for the less important tasks.
3. Time Table
Preparation of a timetable helps in the proper management of time. We get to schedule our entire day or week which also provides us inspiration to work stringently with a certain discipline.
4. Listing
Making a list of tasks be done and putting it in front of you certainly helps in remembering all the things that are to be done. It leaves no scope of forgetting and also lets you plan the time accordingly.
5. Organizing Stuff
It is often seen that when we are occupied with a lot of work. We tend to become disorganized and end up wasting our time. Hence, the call of the hour is to organize our stuff properly in order to make them readily available. Properly organized work table and all the stuff at arm’s length helps in reducing undue labor.
6. Prior Considerations
The planning is not always to be done for a shorter period of time. If we have to properly manage our time and tasks, then planning for the time to come is imperative. One should be clear about what is to be done the next day on the previous day itself. This makes you wake up with a plan in your mind and saves the unnecessary hours of contemplation.
7. Action First
All of us at some part of time waste our time in procrastination. This period of procrastination can effectively be utilized if we readily launch ourselves into action. Procrastination not only makes us lazy but leads to further delay in our actions.
8. Cutting on Sleep
If the workload of some days is beyond your reach, it is necessary then to cut on your sleep for an hour or two and hence accomplish your task in the extra time availed.
9. Keeping Track
For managing time effectively, one should be aware of the task at hand and the tasks already done. If we are not aware of the tasks already accomplished, we will end up mixing all the work or doing the same work again and again. Hence, it is beneficial to keep a track of the work done.
10. Concentrate
It happens quite often that the work we are at does not have our entire attention. We remain distracted for some time and hence, the task in our hand takes more time to finish than it should. In order to save that time, one must do the task with concentration.
11. Focus
When we are occupied with many tasks at one point of time, it is possible to get divided. We try to do multitasking and subsequently reduce the quality of our work. It is necessary then to focus on one task at a time and accomplishing it properly than dividing your attention to several tasks and accomplishing none.
12. Bit by Bit
Just as we can’t eat all the food of several days in a single day, we can’t do the task of many days in a single day. It is a good strategy to do the work bit by bit rather than keep on collecting it and doing it in a single day. It not only stresses us in the end but also consumes our time and quality. The work is thus to be accomplished by working on it each day.
13. Taking Help
There are certain tasks in which we can be benefited by taking help of the others. If the work is such that other people can extend their help then it must be done so. It accomplishes the task in no time with inputs from different sources.
14. Short Cuts
Hard work is no doubt necessary in life. But sometimes it is all about smart work. We must learn to apply short cut methods for the completion of a task. Finding ways to do in lesser time increase our efficiency and management skills.
15. Deadlines
We are bound to become wayward if not given certain deadlines related to work. We must set deadlines for us for the timely completion of tasks. This brings a discipline in the schedule which further gets reflected in our work too.
16. Proper Investment
For proper management of time, we must learn to invest it in the tasks that are important to us. For doing this, we must be habituated to say no to the tasks which are not of sheer necessity and can be delayed.
17. Unnecessary distractions
With the rage in social media and its addictive lure, it happens that we end up wasting all our time in unnecessary browsing. In order to become cognizant of this, we should give a thought to how much time we invest in social media or internet surfing unrelated to our work.
18. Relax
When we are confronted with too many tasks with rigid deadlines, we tend to lose our cool and end up panicking. In this situation, one must try to balance his mental status and focus on the task. Staying calm lets us concentrate on work and doesn’t let us waste our energy in panic and stress.
19. Take Breaks
Taking a break to rejuvenate is certainly necessary as it helps in calming our mind and senses. A break with extra-curricular activity, walk or exercise also helps us to return to work with the fresh mind and proper spirits. It helps us in concentrating better and giving our best.
20. Power Naps
It is often that too much work tires our senses and we become sleepy. But in order to work, we try to overcome sleep with coffee or tea. This is certainly not a healthy way. Instead of evading sleep, we must resort to 60 or 90-minute power naps which enhance our productivity and proper working of the mind.