How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship Without Jealousy

Jealousy is a normal feeling and that should not be mixed with the envy. Envy happens when you want anything but cannot get it on the other hand jealousy happens when you have something but you feel that you will lose it over a period of time. It is a feeling of having something less.
You Continuously go to Social Media to Check
We all have a habit of surfing the social media for fun. We check the status and photos of the partner. We also have a habit of checking the last seen status on WhatsApp. If you are doing the same again and again then your relation is being suffered.
Checking of Phone
You constantly check the phone of your partner, check messages and calls. This is not just the matter of jealousy but also the matter of faith. If you do not have enough trust with your partner then definitely your relation is at a stake.
Having Control
You try to control what he is doing. You try to get control of how much time he spends with other girls in the friends circle.
You go Crazy When He is Late
If he comes late from work, you go crazy and you feel like he must be with someone. You will ask him many questions about why he was so late.
Checking Bank Statements
You always try to keep an eye on his bank statements, whether he spends more, for whom he spends, is it necessary and so on.
Sending Messages to the Person from the Call List
You try to send messages to the people from his contact list or you try to give a call to those who you find unknown. If yes then you have a high level of insecurity and jealousy. This kind of jealousy will definitely be an obstacle in your relation.
Blaming Everyone
If you are very jealous then you will try to find mistakes in everyone else. You will also try to defend your jealousy. Ricocheting short jealous feelings away from yourself in a way to make it look that the issues are with the behaviour of another person, then it is a great example of classic jealousy.
This was all about the behaviour of jealousy. Just check the signs and see if you are a victim of jealousy. Just try to come out of it and have a healthy relationship.