5 Important Differences Between Vision and Mission Statement for Leaders

5 Important Differences Between Vision and Mission Statement for Leaders

5 Important Differences Between Vision and Mission Statement for Leaders

You may be an experienced professional who has hopped jobs multiple times or a fresher. No matter what, you have definitely gone through the detailed (albeit boring) induction sessions whenever you have joined a new company. In these sessions, you must have come across Vision and Mission statements of that particular company. But at times, it gets confusing which is what. So if you are starting your own business endeavour, here are 5 important differences between these two to help you.

First, let us understand what is meant by Vision and Mission statement.

The definition of Vision as per ASQ.org is:

“An overarching statement of the way an organization wants to be, an ideal state of being at a future point.”

The definition of Mission Statement as per ASQ.org is:

“An organization’s purpose.”

Now let us get into the crux of the matter. Let us see the difference between them based on various aspects.

1. Vision Vs. Mission Statement : What Do They Answer?

what they answer

The Vision answers where your company wants to be in the future, what is the aim. While Mission Statement answers how to get there, what it does, how it does it and for whom it does it.

2. Vision Vs. Mission Statement : What are They About?

what are they about

The Vision talks about the dream- it talks about the purpose and goal of the organization. Mission Statement tells you about the HOW of it all. It defines the purpose and primary objectives of your company.

3. Vision Vs. Mission Statement : Function

vision vs mission statement

Vision: It inspires you and your company to do your best. It gives you the bigger picture, the ultimate goal that you want to achieve in the future. It gives your employees their purpose and drives them to give their 100%.

Mission Statement: The prime function of a mission statement is internal and its main audience are the stockholders and leadership teams. It defines the key measures of the organization and lists the primary goals of the company.

4. Vision Vs. Mission Statement : Development


While developing the Vision for your company, you need to ask: Where do you want to see the organization in the future? By what time should you reach each milestone? How you are going to achieve that?

While developing the Mission Statement for your company, you need to ask questions like- What are your primary objectives? Who are your clients/ stakeholders? What are your responsibilities towards these clients/ stakeholders? What are the benefits of these tasks for your organization?

5. Vision Vs. Mission Statement : Features

mission statement features

The Vision of your organization should have clarity and there should be no ambiguity in it. It should have engaging and memorable expressions that give a bright picture of the future with achievable and realistic goals. It should communicate hope and should align with the organization’s culture and values.

The “Mission Statement” of your organization should clearly state the purpose of your company and communicate the values of your organization. It should clearly state what the responsibilities, how the goals mentioned in the “Vision” can be achieved and who the company’s primary stakeholders are.