Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes
Mr Lyndon B. Johnson’s quotes really infuse motivation and moving-on attitude. The 36th President of the United States from 1963 to 1969, always believed in forward thinking rather that cribbing on the past, which is definitely embedded in his famous post regarding the fact that yesterday was not ours to be recovered, but tomorrow will be ours to win or lose. Further, he was also a firm believer of equal rights for every individual, quoted in his famous saying regarding right to a Saturday night bath for every man. This fact was further proved by many laws passed under him such as ‘Civil rights bills (1964)’ which banned racial discrimination in public facilities, interstate commerce, the workplace, and housing; and also the ‘Voting Rights Act (1965)’ which banned certain requirements in southern states used to disenfranchise African Americans.
1. About Life

"Every man has a right to a Saturday night bath"
2. Life

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose"
3. Win or Lose

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."
Further, ‘Immigration and Nationality Act’ of 1965 passed under him, immigration system of United States was reformed and all racial origin quotas were removed which were replaced by national origin quotas. Moreover, through the 1965 Medicare amendment to the Social Security Act, millions of elderly people found succour under his leadership. Johnson is ranked one of the top presidents of United States, because of his domestic policies and the passage of many major laws, affecting civil rights, gun control, wilderness preservation, and Social Security. However, while he began his presidency with widespread approval, support for Johnson declined as the public became upset with both the Vietnam War and the growing violence at home in 1965. After he left office in January 1969, Johnson returned to his Texas farm where he died of a heart attack at age 64 on 22nd January, 1973.