Top 10 Small Business Ideas and Investment Opportunities in USA 2017

Many people in the United States of America today prefer being independent businesspersons to working in 8 to 5 jobs. But starting a business isn’t something you can do in the twinkle of an eye. You’ll need the best business ideas to help you get started. Below is a list of the top 10 profitable business ideas for 2017.
1. Coffee Shop
Coffee is a healthy drink. And it is really on demand. Starting a coffee shop is, therefore, a great idea. With so many people coming to work early and leaving offices late, your coffee shop can be an awesome stop over for many coffee lovers in your state.
2. Healthy Food Eatery
Many people don’t cook at home these days. The hardworking mentality leaves hundreds of thousands of people, if not million, with the option of eating food in restaurants. But there aren’t enough healthy food eateries. So, it is best if you invest in this idea.
3. Full-Service Car Wash
The thing about full-service car wash that makes it a profitable business idea is that it is highly in demand. Busy people who drive cars don’t really have the time to wash their vehicles. If you invest in this business, you can be sure of growth.
4. Women’s Boutique
Women love shopping. They are always willing to buy anything interesting. Most importantly, though, they are fans of boutiques. While that doesn’t mean that every boutique out there gets filled to the brim on a daily basis, you can still do market research and invest in this business.
5. Online Store
With so many people buying online these days, it makes a lot of sense investing in online businesses. And launching an online store is a great way to keep in touch with your target consumers for the long haul. With a well-defined consumer base, it should be easy to connect with them even on the web, the way you do locally.
6. Paid Blogging
While this is the most tasking business idea with a low investment, you can build a profitable career blogging on the behalf of someone else. Digital business is taking a new shape, and it is not easy to survive online without precise content. So if you have the guts to become a paid blogger, make the internet your friend.
7. Content Writing Services
You can set up a content creation business and provide your services to many content buyers on the internet. Content creation is a rapidly growing business that very few people invest in, so you have a better chance to give it a shot.
8. Affiliate Marketing
Create a website that targets a certain market, and then sign up for affiliate programs. There are literally dozens of options out there.
9. Drop Shipping
Drop shipping is a profitable business idea for college students who are looking for something they can do while schooling.
10. Computer Services
The demand for computer repair services is high in the United States. And fortunately, you don’t need to break the bank to start this business. You can star with something as minimum as $1000.