Positive Spiritual Affirmations

Positive Spiritual Affirmations . Closeness to God is achieved in many ways. Praying is one of them, Affirmations can be another. The Affirmations fine tune your subconscious mind with your spirituality. Spiritual Affirmations are meant to take you nearer to God. In a sense Spiritual affirmations are similar to prayers. Repeating them daily gives a spiritual bend to your mind. They are mainly for the enlightment of the soul.
1. I Am With God And God Is With Me , Always
This affirmation brings in the feel of confidence and belonging , also a feeling of somebody being there to care for you. I trust that everything in my life is working for my good and that God is within me.
2. The Divine Spirit Is omnipresent All Around Me And Guides Me At Every Step
The presence of God all around and in everything that is around me or surrounds me , gives me a sense of the Divine Power being there and guiding me at all points in my life. I am not alone. Whatever is happening with me or to me is being controlled by the Divine Spirit.
3. All My Thoughts , Words And Actions Are Divinely Guided
When you think that the Divine spirit is guiding you through the journey of life , you tend to believe that all what you are thinking or speaking or doing is guided by that power which is supreme force behind the Universe and begin to have faith in yourself.
4. My Mind And Body Are In Complete Alignment With The Universe And I Am Always In The Flow
The faith and trust that one has in God / Universe assures the subconscious mind that whatever the situation be , the mind and body are controlled by the God , the ultimate Spiritual Power.
5. I Am A Spiritual Being Having A Human Experience
6. I Am Responsible For My own Spiritual Growth
7. When I Love People More, I Receive Even More Love From Them In Return
8. I Am A Divine Expression of A Loving God
9. I Let Go of Fear. I Let Go of Pain. I Live In Love
10. I Am A Loving, Kind And Forgiving Person, In Accordance With My Spiritual Nature
11. The Love of God Flows Through Me. I Am His. He Is Mine
12. I Surrender To God. He Is Always With Me. I Do only His Bidding
13. Religion To Me Is A Way of Life. It Is A Way of Living A Morally And Ethically Correct Life
14. Everything That Is Happening Is only For The Highest Good For Me
15. The Universe Naturally And Freely Provides For All My Needs
These affirmations will affirm your faith in God. Your love to God and your proximity to God, both will be enhanced. These affirmations will help you keep balance in life.