10 Habits to Maintain a Better Self-Discipline

Work while you work, and play while you play- this is a basic rule of self-discipline-- Theodor Adorno
Self-discipline is the process of decluttering ourselves. Successful persons will be self-disciplined. You can bring self-control by cultivating self-discipline. It is the best way to attain self -control. Self-control is a holistic process of controlling your thoughts, emotions, and your behavioural habits. If you can master these three things, you are a successful person.
If you want to cultivate this attribute in yourself,you have to set it as a goal. Once you set it you should work hard to achieve it. This has been tested by a lot of people from ancient times. With great difficulty, they have achieved self-discipline. Jim Rohn has rightly said that Self-discipline is the bridge between goal and accomplishment.
Yes, it is! What do you say? Come on, let us understand the 10 habits to have better self-discipline.
1. Gratitude
Gratitude is being thankful for the good things you have. In the haste to earn money, we tend to forget what we have and chase for things which we don't have. It creates stress and worries. Stop crying for the things which we don't have. Look back and realize that Gid has given us all the wonderful things we need. Develop a habit of gratitude in yourself. Daily spare at least 10 minutes of your time to do this. Even if you think you don't have anything to feel grateful for, do this every day. I am sure you will find out at least one thing for which you have to be thankful for. Your life itself is an awesome gift from God. Isn't it?
2. Forgiveness
You have to cultivate the habit of forgiving others. Because anger is like a virus which destroys our whole system. When you vent your frustration on others, it creates unnecessary tension in you. So, try to forgive others.
3. Meditate
Meditate daily.This will help you to ease up your mind and improve concentration. When we meditate, we get connected to God.We get answers to our quest for spirituality. Make sure you meditate at least for 10-15 minutes. It is enough to declutter your mind.
4. Set Goals and Strive to Achieve Them
Set goals in your life and try hard to achieve them. This is an ideal way to have a better self-discipline.
5. Eat Healthy Food
Add a lot of natural food and cut off the junk foods from your diet list. I know it is easier said than done. It is a fact that our body needs more fruits and raw vegetables than Pizza and carbonated drinks. When we eat veggies or fruits, our body needs only lesser energy to digest them. So, eat natural foods and say a goodbye to junk foods.
6. Sleep More, Work More
Early to bed , early rising, it is the best way to lead a disciplined life. We should sleep for at least 6 hours a day. If you follow this, it will help you to be in spirits and help you to stay focused.
7. Exercise
This is by far the best way known to humankind to impose self-discipline on oneself. There are innumerable advantages of doing exercises regularly.
8. Organizing Yourself
Organizing is the process of planning for the whole day. This will come a long way to balance your professional as well as your personal life.
9. Know to Manage your Time
I would rightly say it is an art. You should know the art of managing your time. It would help you to do a lot of things perfectly.
10. Perseverance
It is the ability to continue with your efforts even after facing a setback. If you have this ability you will learn to accept failures in life. When you know to accept failures you will try hard to achieve your goals.
These are the 10 habits to have better self-discipline.