Self Confidence

What is Self Confidence?
Self-confidence is related to the social network of an individual. It involves the activities that they participate and what they hear about themselves. Even the greatest of leaders lack self-confidence during certain times. Self-confidence can be destructive, and confident people are positive. The difficult part is that it is such an important part of our lives, and many people struggle to find it. It can be a vicious circle, as people who lack self-confidence, lack success in life.
Success Quotes to Boost Your Self Confidence
The confident people aspire confidence in others, their bosses, their peers, customers as well as friends. Giving confidence to others is one of the ways a self-confident becomes successful in life. The bright spot is that self-confidence is something that can be worked and build upon. Whether you are working on your self-confidence or building it around people, it is all the worth.
Confident Behavior V/S Low Confident Behavior
Knowing confident and low confident behavior is important as we can take steps and rectify it. Without knowing it, identifying it can be difficult. Circumstances or people of similar nature are attracted to us. Now let us analyze the quality traits of confident behavior and low confident behavior.
1. They Listen More Than They Speak
Bragging portrays a feeling of insecurity. Truly confident people are unassuming, and they are aware of what you think. So ask people open-ended questions that give the freedom for the other people to think.
2. They are Right
They Take a Stand Because They are Always Right, Not Because They are Afraid to Be Wrong. The truly confident people do not mind in being proven wrong. When they are wrong, they accept it in a graceful manner.
3. They are Away from The Spotlight, So It Shines on Others
It is a fact that they did most of the work and overcome most of the obstacles. The truly confident people do not care, and they do not show it.
4. They Ask for Help
It is a feeling that when you ask for help, it shows weakness. The confident people have no qualms about admitting a weakness. When you ask for help, you show expertise and judgment for the other individual’s knowledge
5. They think “Why not me”
Many people feel that they need to wait to be promoted. The truly confident people can connect socially better, and they can arrange their own funding for themselves. In a quiet manner, they can garner all the attention to themselves.
Low confident behavior
1. Timid Behavior
The people who are low in confidence always exhibit timid behavior. They are frightened of everything in life and hide from people and surroundings.
2. Lack of Assertiveness
These people cannot say no to anybody. They cannot assert themselves and sometimes they cannot even stand up for their rights. It when one compared to self-confident people who are aggressive.
3. Indecisive Behavior
Such people cannot take responsibility for any situation. Therefore taking firm decisions is not their cup of tea. Lack of courage prevents them from doing so.
4. Lack of Generosity
These people are stingy in everything and lack in generosity. Even handing out a compliment is a difficult task for them. They feel embarrassed when they receive compliments as they feel that they do not deserve them. It is virtually impossible for them to give any monetary donations.
5 Material Outlook
Another quality of low confident people is the mental outlook of these people. They judge people on the basis of material possessions and not on their qualities. In the eyes of them, a wealthy person is more valuable than a poor person.
How to Build Self-Confidence
As an individual one needs to develop self-confidence on their own. Yes, no doubt it can be worked upon and developed, but you need to work on it. If one is thrown into a social setting and asked to speak, their confidence can waiver. Yes, no need to worry as there are lots of ways by which you can build your self-confidence.
- 1. You must ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen. It is a typical situation that we focus too much on potential problems rather than channelizing our energy in the right direction.
- 2. If you are planning to do something for the first time, imagine that you have already done it in the past. You can make it vivid by involving all your five senses.
- 3. Find someone who is confident in this area and develop your skills and attributes based on them. If you do not have access to them, gain as much exposure as you can have from them.
- 4. If you are a confident person then how will you be moving? How will you be walking? What would you be telling yourself? By find answers to all these questions you can take your mind to a positive state.
- 5. Go into the future and find out whether the problem which you are facing now is a big deal or not. When you keep things in the proper perspective, it tends to diminish fear.
- 6. Abandon the negative thoughts as they can hamper your development process. If you any negative thoughts, try to convert it to positive thoughts.
- 7. Body postures- You cannot deny the fact that body postures have a positive impact on your personality levels. Sit up straight and people who have good postures have confidence in their abilities.
Actions to build self-confidence
An important thing that prevented me from chasing my dreams was the fear of failure. It is all something which we have to face to a certain degree.
1. Act the Part
Your body language can reveal the feeling of security or insecurity. Present yourself in such a way that you can take control of any situation. Maintaining eye to eye contact and avoid limp handshake when someone is talking to you.
2. Dress in a Better Way
The simple fact is that when you look better, you feel better. If you choose clothing along with accessories that fit your lifestyle and industry, this will automatically increase your self-esteem. In other ways, you are dressed up for success.
3. Know Yourself
When you get into a battle, know the strengths along with the weakness of your enemies. The fact is that you cannot defeat the enemy without knowing them. Get to know yourself by listening to your inner thoughts.
4. Speak in an Assertive Manner
The next time you see your favorite speaker, be mindful of the way he or she delivers a speech. You need to adopt an assertive, but not an aggressive style of speaking. Slowly and steadily you will find that your self-esteem will begin to rise.
5. Think and Act in a Positive Manner
Positive energy leads to positive outcomes, so during any situations avoid any form of negative talk that is bound to demotivate you. Smile, laugh and surround with positive people around you
6. Take Action
There is more to it that looking confident and the need of the hour is to take action. When you practice becoming self-confident, slowly and steadily you will see it becoming second nature.
7. Be Prepared
Be prepared to encounter any situation in life. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will be about expectancy and experience. Preparation will help you overcome unexpected glitches in life.
Self-confidence Quotations
While most people seem to be naturally confident, the fact is most of us are not. No need to be the panic as self-confidence is something that can be developed. The best method to be self-confident is to do things without fear and learn from the experiences.
Ways to Build Self Confidence
Like finding the perfect pair of jeans, self-confidence can be a pretty exclusive thing. Without it, it is all too easy to fall into the habit of negativity and self-doubt. Below are some ways with the help of which you can build self-confidence:
- 1. Learning is a good thing. So join an evening class and enjoy it.
- 2. Hit the gym as the physiological effects of it will make you great.
- 3. Be crystal clear about things that actually matter to you.
- 4. Get out of your partner and ask what best you can do for your partner during the day.
- 5. Go to a networking site and focus on how you can help the people around you, rather being concerned about your personal matters only.
- 6. Write a list of things that you are undertaking in your life and how you can remove them.
- 7. Next time when you are at a social event, do not just stick around and mix with the people around you.
- 8. Look at win or success you have experienced and give yourself credit for it.
- 9. Talk yourself out of something you feel you need to do.
- 10. Do a single think in a day that makes you smile.
- 11. Ask a guy or girl whom you fancy a day out.
- 12. Look out for patterns where you start over thinking or over guessing.
- 13. The mind has to be kept well fed, so write 20 things that nourish the mind.
- 14. Stop playing different roles and do not attempt to tick all the boxes.
- 15. Take yourself off on an auto pilot.
- 16. Learn to catch yourself every moment that you attempt which you cannot.
- 17. If you are scared of looking silly, so be it.
- 18. Next time you come up with a challenge in life, sees to it on how you can find an easy way to overcome it.
- 19. Do not think for a second that you can be overconfident.
- 20. Take note of your doubts, but consider deliberate decisions once you hear them.
- 21. Do not beat yourself up if you cannot make use of a single opportunity.
- 22. Do not stick to a bunch of outdated rules that limit your thinking power.
- 23. Think of a time when you are firing on all cylinders.
- 24. Do not think being scared of anything means that you are not confident.
- 25. If there is a particular think or someone makes you look smaller in life, you need to inform them that you deserve much better in life.
- 26. Flirt as it is a harmless way of connecting with people.
- 27. Welcome, and acknowledge all the experiences in your life.
- 28. Reveal a little bit about your real self during the course of your relationship.
- 29. Understand the fact that you are more than a match for any situation.
- 30. Do not engage yourself in things that happen on, instead, look at ways of improving the future.
- 31. Rely on your instincts.
- 32. Confidence also means admitting that you are wrong.
- 33. Fear is a factor that you are about to stretch and grow your confidence.
- 34. Do not attempt to sell yourself short.
- 35. When you think” I deserve better than this” think of “I am better than this.”
- 36. Ask for help and do not rely on yourself for everything.
- 37. Take chances on something for tomorrow.
- 38. Imagine a confident and vibrant version of you for the future.
- 39. You need to spend time with people around you who encourage you.
- 40. Stop struggling in life and create a cognitive environment around you.
- 41. You need to be part of the world around you to be confident.
- 42. Work on developing the skills and things that matter to you.
- 43. Forget the pro’s and con’s in life and do something in the face of challenges.
- 44. The body is a mirror so focus on shifting your body into a positive stage.
- 45. Do not get disheartened when you are 90 % of your target and push the extra 10 %.
- 46. Start the habit of comparing yourself to others.
- 47. If there is something that you have been struggling to understand for an absolute time, then stop understanding it.
- 48. Put your head above and see whether there is anything to be spoken of.
- 49. There is no problem in being shy with people as it does not indicate overconfidence in any manner.
- 50. The environment affects the perception, and if clutter surrounds you, then you be recognized in that tone.
- 51. Start by writing down a few things you want to do in life and begin by working on a couple of things that leap out of you.
- 52. Find your value first and then your relationships will be much better.
- 53. The longer you will leave the big thing to do the more it will drain you.
- 54. The strengths can be used to overcome the weakness.
- 55. See whether your passions and themes are present in your life and if they are not present currently, you need to shift your priorities.
- 56. The body image does matter and see to it that you get along with everyone.
- 57. Being confident is a concurrent process, and this quality will always be there to support you.
- 58. Try a new path as this can wake you up.
- 59. Do not just say yes as you want to rock the path?
- 60. Look at the people whom you think are overconfident and do not merely copy them.
- 61. Straighten up.
- 62. Spritz on perfume.
- 63. Nod along.
- 64. Give me a “V”.
- 65. Deal with failure.
- 66. Be a pal.
- 67. Think of your superstitions.
- 68. Jam out.
- 69. Take out your selfie.
- 70. Sweat out a little in the pursuit of your dreams.
- 71. Be the own cheerleader.
- 72. Visualize things for the better.
- 73. The only remedy to achieve success in life is practice and practice.
- 74. Learn the art of playing an instrument.
- 75. Always have a smiling face.
- 76. Cherish the compliments that you receive from time to time.
- 77. Be kind and generous.
- 78. Act in a positive manner.
- 79. Kill all the negative thoughts.
- 80. Groom yourself.
- 81. Dress properly.
- 82. Work on yourself image.
- 83. Understand yourself to the core.
- 84. Understand your principles in life and be prepared to live with them.
- 85. Get prepared to encounter any situation in life.
- 86. Speak in a polite manner.
- 87. Increase your competence levels.
- 88. Set a small goal and work hard to achieve it.
- 89. Stand tall be it in any situation.
- 90. Volunteer for any activity.
- 91. Do not focus on worries, instead, work on solutions.
- 92. Begin with changing a little habit.
- 93. Knowledge is power and empowers you with that.
- 94. Exercise as it is one of the most empowering activities.
- 95. Be active in any sphere of life.
- 96. Instead of imaging something, do it, as this will give you a sense of pleasure.
- 97. Clear your desk.
- 98. Work on small things in life.
To conclude, self-confidence is not something that can be taught. Some are born with it; others need to work on it while some people cannot attain it. Confidence is hard to achieve but with the right friends, trust and time it can be achieved.