3 Important Secrets of Happy Successful People

If one asks to get to the bottom of what all factors can affect one’s happiness, these factors can be narrowed down to majorly 3 main reasons. Heartbreaks or suffering in personal relations, professional incompetence or dissatisfaction, and financial insecurity which gives one hard time to make the ends meet.
But even if one is emotionally, professionally, and financially secure, there are a big lot of people who are at a dead-end of misery with no recluse.
This question of how to achieve happiness inspired from the happy successful people has been answered by the business professor of the University of Texas at Austin, Mr. Raj Raghunath, the famous writer of the “If you are so smart, why aren’t you Happy?”. In his recent interview with The Atlantic’s Joe Spinsker, he discussed how can one achieve happiness, learning from the successful people who are happy.
Bringing to you 3 secrets of these ambitious and successful people, how they achieved the mastery of being happy.
1. Identify your Place, Goals, and Desires, and Try to Look for Contentment
In order to be happy, one should be content with his life. There should be a feeling that you are in the right place or going to be at the right place, the place where your heart lies.
When you realize that you are good at something, you are on the grounds of achieving those standards of mastery. All the successful people have a wide skill set with a long list of accomplishments. And one of the biggest happiness arrives from doing good work.
2. Define the Standards of Mastery
Never ever compare the level of accomplishment and your skills through the tactics of the social comparisons because it is a terrible approach. We judge people by the school they were in, from the number of awards that has been assigned to their name, or their salary, but neither of them happens to be a good scale or yardstick of judgment.
Just because these standards are easier to measure, doesn’t mean it is right. Do you ever see a tiger comparing itself with a cheetah, or an ostrich comparing it to a lion?
No, because everyone is unique and the only comparison you should make is to yourself, trying to better yourself from the last year, last month, yesterday and last moment.
3. Work Towards Developing Yourself and Attain the Mastery, Success will Come Eventually
The general tendency of people is to compare the success with the mastery. People run after the end results but do very less to attain the mastery in the things that can help you to attain success. As Raghunath stated in his book, do not chase after the external signs of success like the Bentley car or the watch of Rado, but chase after the mastery.
When this chase of comparison with yourself is achieved, you ultimately lead to a level where you enjoy whatever you are doing. And trust me on this, fame, money and success are just byproductS.
All these 3 steps basically ask you to work on yourself and to bring out the good in you. Because somewhere it is true, happiness is not an external factor or a goal.
Happiness is an ongoing process which is achieved every moment when you better yourself; happiness comes from you and not any external source. And everything along with all the fame and money is a waste when you can’t handle even a smile and look at the best of yourself.