William Prescott Quotes

William Prescott Quotes

Colonel William Prescott is one of the heroes who fought the Battle of Bunker Hill. His valour, bravery, and ideology have been a true inspiration for people. Colonel William Prescott quotes are truly an aspiration.


"An obstacle is often a stepping stone"

The Battle of Bunker Hill is considered something of high distinction because William Prescott and other American soldiers stood on the ground until the last moment. They stood against the British Redcoats until last.

This battle is was entirely a Revolutionary War. Even after facing another battle after a battle, William Prescott and his team refused to give up their intentions of winning the war. At last, victory was in their court. They won their independence by defeating the British. Even though it was a team victory but the Battle of Bunker Hill was mainly due to the heroic stand of Colonel William Prescott.

Colonel William Prescott famous quote he said to his soldiers that don’t fire until the whites of their eyes is visible is too famous. The Battle of Bunker Hill was nearly impossible to win, but it the smartness and wittiness of Prescott could make the impossible thing possible.

Colonel William Prescott quotes teach that a battle can be won only with the true spirit of winning. Nothing is impossible, self-belief and high spirits can turn even the impossible thing possible. The people like Prescott can inspire and help us in bringing a change in our lives. Words of wisdom sourced from such people is something that we should look forward to in order to take our lives to next level of success.