Teddy Roosevelt Quotes
Teddy Roosevelt- the former President of the USA was an inspirational soul in every aspect. His thoughts and ideas about humanity, nature and other things are worth counting on. In his every speech and interview, he talked of bravery, boldness and valour a man should have to keep his head held high in the society. He once said that only the man whose face is marred by sweat, blood and dust, and the one who valiantly strives and errs is creditworthy.

"Do what you can, where you are, with what you have."
Teddy Roosevelt quotes man in the arena showcase his view that there isn’t any effort without shortcoming and error. The one who actually strives hard to accomplish his goals, boasts enthusiasm, great devotions, and spends himself for a worthy cause is a man in real.
Roosevelt has been inspiring people to achieve the triumph of high achievement no matter what the situation is. He also spoke of victory and encouraged men to be daring to face the ‘fails’ in order to attain victory. Furthermore, Teddy Roosevelt quotes immigration showcase how great a person was he in every aspect.
He was of the thinking that nothing in this world is worth doing or worth having unless it involves difficulty, pain, and effort. He once mentioned that he had never envied a person who always led quite easy life. He envied only great people who led a distinguished and difficult life that led them well. Teddy’s sayings and quotes will inspire you to win glorious triumphs, even if you have to check through failure. His eternal quotes serve as words of inspiration, indeed.