Ted Williams Quotes

Ted Williams Quotes

Ted Williams quotes on success and making it in any, and all fields is one that quite moves the heart and really is motivational by all perspectives. In all ways and areas of life, he shows us that indeed nobody is born all knowing, nobody is born all perfect, indeed throughout our various fields we will stumble on various blocks but that shouldn’t stop us, we should stand strong, stand tall and keep going, indeed we will get better if we keep at it. Perseverance

Keep Going

"Just keep going. Everybody gets better if they keep at it."

Mr. Williams is best described a renowned baseball player and a manager as well. His life long history, as well as his love for baseball well emphasizes his coming to be as one of the greatest names in baseball history, the uncountable number of rewards he received further emphasizes his legend. Indeed straight from a young tender age his long life career slowly established itself to eventually him being the greatest hitter that ever lived, a remark that he was commonly referred to.

His triumph, accomplishment and achievements in life teach us but one thing. No matter how we out in whichever field or the stumbles we face along the road, we should keep on going, keep on pushing forward, keep at it and eventually well get better at it, stand out and stand tall, look back and say indeed we made it.