Og Mandino Quotes
Augustine “Og” Mandino is the author of the bestseller, “The Greatest Salesman in the World”. He was an American Air Force Officer who fought in the WWII andwas also the first victor of the Napoleon Hill Gold Medal for Literary achievement.Now, known as a famous author and motivational speaker, Mandino was once a raging alcoholic, battling depression and contemplating suicide.
1. Treasure The Love

"Treasure The Love You Receive Above All It Will Survive Long After Your Good Health Has Vanished"
2. Do your best

"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later"
He felt the need to change his life when he stumbled upon motivational books and was so drawn to these inspiring works, that he visited several libraries to get access todifferent self-help books. Mandino was greatly influenced by W. Clement Stone’s,“Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”, a book that changed his life.The story of his life is a testimony to the fact that failure and hardships cannot deter our determination to become successful. Og Mandino’s books and inspirational quotes continue to influence the lives of millions of readers around the world. Here are some of his stimulating quotes.