Benjamin Disraeli Quotes
The first and the only Jewish Prime Minister of England till date, Benjamin Disraeli was a British conservative politician, statesman, novelist, dandy. He is known for his trilogy, ‘Coningsby’, ‘Sybil’ and ‘Tangred’ reflecting his ideologies. He is accredited for becoming the founder of the Young England Group and being hailed as the leader of Conservatives among the Commons. His bringing together of India and the Suez Canal under the British Empire’s dominion as a mark of his prolific political ideologies makes him stand out in the history of the British era.
1. Love

"We Are All Born For Love It Is the Principle Existnce & It's Only End"
2. Happiness

"Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action "
3. Life

"Life is too short to be Small"
4. Success

"The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes"
The financial failure and personal criticism that Disraeli suffered were probably the trigger for a serious nervous crisis affecting him. He had always been moody, sensitive, and solitary by nature, but now became seriously depressed and lethargic. He became, aware of values that seemed denied to his insular countrymen. The journey encouraged his self-consciousness, his moral relativism, and his interest in Eastern racial and religious attitudes.
Disraeli fascinated and divided contemporary opinion and he was seen by many as a far-sighted and patriotic statesman. His singular and complex personality has provided historians and biographers with a particularly stiff challenge. He said No government can be long secure without formidable opposition as it is the pressure of the opposition which encourages the Government for citizen friendly and good works and discourage from anti citizen , unfriendly decisions and doings. His quotes say that all power is a trust and that we are accountable for its exercise , that from the people, and for the people and all must exist. Cleanliness and order are not matters of instinct; they are matters of education, and like most great things, you must cultivate a taste for them.
He also quotes that It is the knowledge that influences and equalizes the social condition of man, that gives to all, however different their political position, passions which are in common, and enjoyments which are universal.
He is known for advocating the philosophy of imperialism and popular democracy through his Conservative Party making it shine throughout the British era. Some of his prominent publications which document Benjamin Disraeli quotes in detail include, ‘The Voyage of Captain Popanilla’ (1828), ‘The Young Duke’ (1831), ‘Contarini Fleming’ (1834) among others. He is further remembered for his political battles with Gladstone, a liberal leader and his one-nation conservatism or ‘Tory Democracy’.