Michael Lynch Success Story

Michael Richard Lynch is one of the most well-known English entrepreneurs in the recent times. He is known and respected for his business decisions as well as his contribution toward recent entrepreneurial developments in the country over the past few years.
Born in Ilford in Essex, Lynch to a fire fighter father and a nurse mother, Lynch showed his incredible intelligence right from a young age. He won a scholarship to one of the most prestigious schools in England, The Bancroft’s School in Woodford. After completing his schooling, he moved to one of the most famous universities in the world, Cambridge.
Starting out as a student of Natural Sciences, it was clear that Lynch would choose science as a major owing to his incredible intelligence in the area. His logical reasoning coupled with his immense knowledge meant that he was able to follow up his degree in Natural Sciences with a combination of courses. This included mathematics, physics and biology. He followed this with advanced physics, mathematics and biochemistry.
He met Peter Rayner, who was his mentor and good friend in the signal processing department of the college’s famous engineering department. This propelled him to follow up with a Ph.D. in signal processing and communications research from The University of Cambridge.
His first tryst with entrepreneurship came in the form of Lynette Systems Pvt. Ltd which produced audio products and equipment for the music industry. Following this, he started Cambridge Neurodynamics, which specialized in computer based finger recognition software.
Lynch’s biggest entrepreneurial decision was however, Autonomy Corporation, which during his time had acquired some of the biggest names such as Dremedia, Virage, Verity, Zantaz as well as Interwoven for prices combining to close to a billion dollars.
HP and firing
After he sold the company to HP Company around 2011 for a whopping price of $1.1 billion dollars, Lynch was regarded as one of the smartest businessmen in the world for shaping up a business so successfully right from scratch. He was fired from HP in 2012 and he set up another company called Invoke Capital fund that allowed for up and coming British companies to get the start-up money that they require to fuel their projects.
- 2012
Digital Hall of Fame From British Interactive Media
- 2009
Entrepreneur of the Year
- 2007
Entrepreneur of the year From European Technology Forum
- 2000
Autonomy Technology Pioneer
- 1999
Entrepreneur of the Year From Confederation of British Industry