6 Pre-Organizing Tips For A Successful Event

Being an event organizer whenever I come across clients, I always get this feeling that they are so confused about what they want and how will they manage their event. They ask for an estimate without even letting us know about the event.
They want people to understand their ideas without describing which is impossible. They don’t do much homework before approaching an event organizer. so here is a guide on how to organize a perfect event if you are a newbie.
1. Budget
Many people believe that the event organizer is supposed to provide the estimate for the event but it’s the inverse in reality. If you will ask the organizer for a package they will give you standard rates from different packages that might not even fit in your events. So start off by making a budget like this is my budget and I need these things under this budget. This way the organizer gets a clear picture and might guide you better.
2. Explore
For organizing an event, you should have amazing exploring skills. Look around for ideas, experiment, and search, create something new. Take ideas from the websites of famous designers and organizers. Take ideas from around the world. Mix different cultures. Note down things that you can actually implement in your event. Make a rough sketch on paper of your event to explain your idea.
3. The Earlier The Better
The earlier you start working on your event the better it is for you. Working beforehand, you can easily tackle with problems that might occur rather than working on the last minute, if you have to make bookings for food or décor etc then do it as soon as you can so you won’t have to over burden yourself before the event also you can choose things of your choice before they get booked by someone else.
4. Keep It Clear
Always be clear about what do you want in your event. Don’t confuse yourself with gazillion ideas. Decide a theme or a detail and stick to it. This will not only help you define things but also your team members to work properly. Don’t try to put every idea that comes in your head in your event. It will only ruin the originality.
5. DIY for Decor
If you want to take out your inner artist or you are short on your budget and need more items for décor then go for the DIY items for décor. You can find DIY artists all over the internet which make amazing props out of paper, fairy lights and old items. DIY items are always useful and fun to make.
6. Plan B, C & D
Before the event, you must have an extra plan for if something goes wrong. Not just one extra plan but many. You need to figure out the things that can cause trouble on the day of an event. Put it down in two categories; Things that are in your control i-e the arrangements etc, Things that are not in your control i-e weather. You must decide what you would do if something does not go according to the plan.
Events are very challenging as well as fun to organize, if you keep a track of things and manage it properly then no one can stop you from organizing a successful event.
So are you ready to organize?