Best Motivational Quotes Part 4 (31 - 40)

When you are motivated, things look sky high. Your dream is driven with a thrust that exudes power twice as much. While seeing is believing, believing is achieving. We cannot achieve things that we do not believe in. (Motivational Quotes)
"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins

"Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory." - George S. Patton

"Either you run the day or the day runs you." - Jim Rohn

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." - Harriet Beecher Stowe

"Either I will find a way, or I will make one." - Philip Sidney

"Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door." - Kyle Chandler
"A goal is a dream with a deadline." - Napoleon Hill

"We become what we think about." - Earl Nightingale

"Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson

Be it a great idea, milestone, relationship or dream, if you do not have enough belief, none of them would be possible.Go ahead and start believing if you haven’t already.And we have great collections of best motivational quotes - part 5.