Walt Whitman Quotes
There was no existence of free verse style poetry in Europe until early 19th century. The European poetry traditions were all about the dictating content, form, and style. Walt Whitman changed it all and brought a huge revolution to the European poetry. He was an American poet and only one of his kind. Even after huge fame and name, he always lived the life of a common man. He did not keep himself reserved under the policies of tradition. He was a great person of his times. His poems and other writings showcase how amazing was a person was Whitman.
About Life

"I celebrate myself, and sing myself"
Whitman’s high-minded ideals contradicted everything about modern poets and poetry of America. He always worked to preach free verse and equality to the sonnet-clinging elites. Whitman is popular as the father of free verse all over the world. His audacity wasn’t bound to any limit and the same can be seen in Walt Whitman quotes happiness. Although, he was a great poet of his times but he was not content to take risk about his lifestyle. At eleven, Whitman left school and started to build his career as teacher, printer, publisher, and journalist. In turn all this helped him to promote his work to extended heights.
Whether you enjoy Walt Whitman poems or look forward to adopt his methods, the audacity of this great man is an inspiration for all. His quotes and sayings remind us that sometimes we need to invest something more than talent in order to achieve our goals. Each and every word of his quotes and quotations is just a treasure in itself.