Jack Dempsey Quotes
William Harrison Dempsey, more popularly and fondly known as Jack Dempsey was a professional American boxer. In the 1920’s he was considered a cultural icon. He was also known by his fans as “The Manassa Mauler’ and “Kid Blackie”. From the years 1919 up until 1926, this talented boxer held the prestigious title of World Heavyweight Champion. Jack Dempsey even owned his own restaurant that ran successfully from the years 1935 up until 1974. He used to be actively involved in the management of the restaurant he interacted closely with customers, signed autographs and took pictures with them.
- Famous Sports Quotes
- Famous Motivational Quotes
1. Real Champion

"A champion is someone who gets up when he cant."
2. He Cant

"A champion is someone who gets up when he can't"