Erich Fromm Quotes
Erich Seligmann Fromm was a reputed German psychoanalyst, social psychologist, humanistic philosopher, democratic socialist, and sociologist. He has been a true inspiration to this world. Every word of Erich Fromm quotes helps, guides individuals for self-appraisal. From encouragement to defining love, his words of wisdom have truly helped people to recognise their being, which they lose on entering the world of ‘love’. According to him, one of the primary reasons for intertwining of love with failure is failure to recognize the skillfulness aspect. It is because the culture that we follow that considers love as something that happens to us passively and by chance.
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Erich Fromm’s The Art Of Loving has been inspired people a lot. It word penned in this compilation is guide for the couples that seek ways to enrich confidence in their relationship. According to him instead of annoying ourselves and hesitating from the commitments, we need to give space to each other to ensure a healthy and trustworthy relationship. All his writings and sayings favoured self- independence and self-reliance for women. Individuals, especially girls lose their identity after getting into a relationship. Erich always encouraged them to be on their own. He is one of the highly regarded personalities the world can ever have.
He was of the word that sometimes we are so much in love that we want to spend day and night with our partner. According to him, it is very easy to lose our identity and self-being when we fall in love. But if women desire to enjoy their independence they need to keep on working on their career, keep being creative and keep meeting their friends. Learning some words of wisdom from such an amazing personality is great in itself.