Change Quotes
No matter how ironical it sounds, but change is actually the sole constant aspect in the universe. It makes way for progress and change is needed to bring the new ideas to life. All the reforms that have taken place till date, have been possible only through change in way of life. Stagnancy is heinous for progress and without progress there is no life. The essence of life owes its genesis to evolution and hence change is inevitable.
- Famous Quotes about Life
- Famous Motivational Quotes
1. Our Own Childhood

"Our own childhood was totally different. I guess when you are left on your own; you find your true potential. I remember my father never came to our school even once. Nevertheless, he was hugely interested in our all round development for which he did som"
2. About Life

"I have turned into a big nature fan as well… I can afford it more today. These childhood influences have shaped me into what I am today"
3. Ab De Villiers Is

"Ab De Villiers Is Changing The Rules Of Game"
4. Life

"Moving On Is Simple Thing What It Leaves Behind Is Hard"
5. I Wish I Were A Little Girl

"I Wish I Were A Little Girl Again Little Girl Again Because Skinned Knees Are Easier To Fix Than Broken Heart"
6. I Know My Heart Will Never

"I Know My Heart Will Never Be The Same But I'm Telling Myself I'll Be Okay"
7. Happiness

"At any given moment the choice to be happy is present- we just have to choose to be happy "
8. Open Your Arms

"Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values"
9. Forgiveness

"If you can't forgive yourself, you think you're never going to be able to forgive yourself, and you repeat the same behavior"
10. To forgive is to set

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was youL"
11. About Life

"Instead of wiping away your tears, wipe the people who make you cry."
12. About Ideas

"No idea is original, there's nothing new under the sun, it's never what you do, but how it's done"