Attitude Quotes
According to psychologists, attitude is the most important driving force in one’s life. The way you think, act, attempt, perform, care, succeed, fail or overcome- everything is governed by your very attitude. It’s the never-say-die attitude of a person which keeps him going with full zeal even after repeated failures while a person with a laid-back attitude will leave any attempt towards success in the face of a mere nano challenge. Attitude decides what you are and how you would be.
- Best Attitude Quotes
- About Life Quotes
1. Conscience

"The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil."
2. About Thinking

"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight."
3. Hope

"Where there is no hope, it is incumbent on us to invent it."
4. Mistakes

"We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love - first to their advantage, then to their disadvantage."
5. Voilance

"Violence is both unavoidable and unjustifiable."
6. Attitude

"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is."
7. Age Doesn't Matter

"Age Doesn't Matter if You Have the Attitude and the Drive to Succeed"
8. My Attitude

"My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength"
9. I Demand A DNA

"I Demand A DNA Test Of Ab De Villiers. This Game Is Only For Humans"
10. Smother

"Don' t Smother Each Other No One Can Grow In The Shade"
11. Happiness

"I can say with full sincerity that I am happy. I'm happy because I'm doing what I love and I'm not selling out"
12. if it’s going

"if it’s going to be a world with no time for sentiment, it’s not a world that I want to live in "