7 Free Things You Should Ask For on Your Next Flight

As an airline passenger, you are often unaware of whether a particular service or product is available in flight or whether it comes free or has to be paid for. Budget or economy flights only realize the travel charges from passengers at the time of booking and food or other facilities offered are charged extra.
However, on international flights the customer has recourse to a lot of free services in flight and you should be using it when required.
Here are the 7 free things you should ask on flight
1. Water
Water is a basic necessity for anyone. Arriving at airports hours before departure for the check-in, the security procedures and walk inside the lounge will all make you a bit weak when you board the flight. The pressures of taking- off and you certainly need some water to keep your energy. One bottle of water is supplied free and if not, you can ask for it.
2. Cotton Balls and Sweets
If you are not comfortable with the pressure difference inside flight, you should use cotton balls or ear plugs to cover your ears or sugar coated toffees without chocolate by slowly dissolving in the mouth. These are offered free of cost and if you face dizziness, ear pain or a headache, you must avail these free things for relief.
3. Essential Medicines
If you are feeling sick or having back pain or throat ache, you can ask for free medicines from your flight stewards. There may be a first aid kit containing essential medicines such as paracetamol, painkillers, antacids, tablets for stomach ache, vomiting, antiseptic creams, pain relieving ointments, band-aids, and gels. Ask for such essentials when required.
4. Extra Snacks
A basic meal may be served on flights but that may not be sufficient for your kids and they could ask for more snacks before the end of the journey. There will always be some leftover snacks such as biscuits or cookies available with the flight attendants and they will be willing to give them for free if you ask them.
5. Sanitizing Wipes
Since hundreds of passengers get in and out daily, have food and beverages inside, it could be a breeding ground for bacteria and virus. It is better to use sanitizing wipes to clean the food tray or your hands before eating. They are available with the flight attendants and will be provided for free. Sanitizing wipes will also ensure that you don’t catch a cold easily. Tissues are provided for wiping your hands and face after a meal but they cannot ward off bacteria.
6. Grooming Kits
On long haul flights, you have the option to ask for grooming kits such as toothpaste, shaving gel, combs, shampoo, deodorants, and related accessories. These are provided free of cost to passengers.
7. Free Alcohol
In some flights, booze served may be chargeable but most long haul flights now have a complimentary beer, wine or spirits served to those who want. Air Alaska, Delta, Lufthansa, and US Airways are some of the airlines that provide such facility to passengers. However, make sure that you don’t cause discomfort to other passengers who don’t like to booze.
Most often availing a service or getting something for free on a flight is just a question of asking for it and there may not be hard and fast rules that you are told before the journey. As part of their customer service, flight attendants will be more than willing to help you out with a medicine, fruit juice or hot chocolate if you request for it.