Signs of Self-Destructive People

Have you ever spent some time staring at a severely addicted person in a bad phase?Have you ever seen someone struggling with major depression? Well, if yes, you might have been looking at my-SELF at some point. Whatever an image this may bring up in your mind, it’s merely an “exterior” expression of what has internallyoccurred to the person in their silenced world of inner thoughts, interpretations and reactions.In another word, there is a much more profound and bitter side to this not-so-beautiful image and the like, which is mostly considered as a gradual “self-destructive process”.
The truth is that self-destruction may happen even without any external driving factors like drugs and so. One might be a very fortunate person without any major environmental issues and still be harmfully engaged in a blind self-destructive set up leading towards failure in the fulfillment of one’s destiny.
The phenomenon is not only traceable into one’s future days to come, but also even more simply recognizable in their current attitude as well. It has a few major signs:
1. Doing Really Nothing of One’s Own
We all breathe, eat, walk and do a lot of other things in common. You may expand this P.O.V to include even more sophisticated functions of ours as well: many of us marry, work in an office or spend time with friends. Any of these activities could be truly considered as “Doing Something”, but the “thing” is not always one of “our” own.
Here lies the clue: Marriage is a common deed but scarcely ever one of us optsto marry a sightless spouse in order to revive the spirit of life in a secluded soul. To work is a common function, but only a few chose to risk their lifetime for working hard in an underground rock band to reflect the fatal issues of their own society.
To cook is something that a lot of people do, but there might be only one or two people in a large community who cook special meat cookies for the outside rain-wet cats and dogs. Whatsoever only “you” do and no one else does in the same way is “something of your own” and bears the signature of your genuine self.
This is beyond a formalistic interpretation. This is adding “yourself” to “reality”; the very profound level in which your unique “SELF” may come into existence in a positive way. Even those who end up in showing off a negative image of humanity have placed the tip of this “self” root in a darkened heart, but those who never really do “anything of their own” are drying this root out and could be recognized as self-destructive people.
2. Heartily Desire for Fundamental Out-Sourced Changes
Regardless of all who’s and how’s, almost everyone on this globe desires to live in a better world. It is a matter of relativity from one side, but a clearly unquestionable one from the other: What is supposed to change? Who is supposed to change it?
A “World” – “Others” response to these questions leaves no doubt we are dealing with a self-destructive person. This outward oriented expectation gives us a clear sign of an irrational insight upon the nature and qualities of living as a human being in this world. One who appreciates “SELF” would never consider it of no effects, thus would never wholly shift his desire for change onto the surrounding environment.
A self-destructive person would hide behind this expectation to rest in the shade of motionlessness and enjoy the easy way of criticizing the world rather than the harder way of making a particular change by-self.Nothing puts harm on “self” more than undervaluing it.
3. Major Self-Justifying Syndrome
No living creature lives a flawless life. The point is how we deal with a mistake after the commitment. Here we are not considering “mistakes” as defying from some ethical standards. Deep down in our private worlds, a mistake could be considered as “any action” which distracts us from our happy hours’ imagination of an ideal life, when we are at peace with the existence and enjoy dreaming of the best scenario life could bring about in our future.
Unless one is mentally insane, he will certainly have an imagination of an ideal life.A successful person tends to establish a balance between doing wrong and holding on track with his ideal life.But at the other corner, there stands a self-destructive person who keeps justifying his wrong deeds continually without feeling responsible to move forwards towards an outstanding achievement in life.
4. Flying Kites in a Ball Room
Find Inspiration when there is None
Thankfulness is NOT a relative concept. Any of us might have been advised to be thankful because we are relatively more blessed than many others, which sounds true, but we really don’t need to hold onto it to know what a kinetic potential energy lays in any situation we are dealing with.
One doesn’t need to be educated to grieve for the lots of opportunities they have missed in the past, when the situations really failed to introduce themselves as something outstanding and thankworthy along the way. That is how most of us are distracted by the multi-layered appearance of life.
So easily we defy the principle of thankfulness and deprive ourselves from the energy, inspiration and motivation included in a particular situation. The harm we are putting on our-selves by not being thankful is not comparable to that in any other ways of self-destruction. That is just like you sacrifice the joy of a ball room party for the stub