Tennessee Williams Quotes
Tennessee Williams is a famous author of many American stage classics. His memory play called The glass Menagerie made him famous. In this book, he has written about the bad experiences he had in his childhood life. His other works which received wide recognition are A street car named desire, Cat on a hot tin roof, Sweet bird called youth Etc. After this, he tried a different style which fell flat or was not admired by the audience. His works were widely accredited and was made into films.
1. Alone

"You Cannot Lonely If You Like Person You're Alone With"
2. Relationships

"To Know When To Go Away And When To Come Closer Is Key To Any Lasting Relationships"
3. Time

"There Is A Time For Departure Even When There's No Certain Place To Go"
4. Money

"You can be young without money, but you cant be old without it."
The old age is a curse to most of the people because it is the time you need support and you lack it. Tennessee says that you can be without money during the initial stage of your life. But during the rainy season of your life, you can't live without money. The money will take care of you during your old age. You have to earn a good amount of money but should save a huge sum of it to lead a happy and healthy life during old age.
There is a time for everything. There is a time, even for departure. We usually know the place we are heading to. But sometimes we don't know the place but have to go. Here he says about the journey after death. Nobody wants to die.It is the time which takes away life from our body. We can do nothing but to yield to our own fate. Similarly, to lead a happy life we should know with whom we should associate and with whom we should not.