Fear Quotes
Fear is the strongest and oldest of emotions. There is nobody who has not feared anything – even the bravest have feared or fear something in life. But fear is just a state of mind and the most courageous are those who are bold enough to look beyond the fearful state. You cannot ever succeed if you surrender yourself to fear. When you can’t deny fear, the best thing is to take a leap of faith and proceed with positivity.
- Courage Quotes
- Success Quotes
1. Never Say Never

"Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion"
2. I Know Fear is an Obstacle

"I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it is an illusion to me. Failure always made me try harder next time"
3. Love

"What Is Love? The Total Absence Of Fear Said The Master What Is It We Fear Love"
4. Love

"To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead "
5. Face Your Fears

"Wake up everyday stronger than yesterday, face your fears and wipe your tears."
6. Chance

" scared to take chances, you'll never have the answers."
7. About Vision

"You have to keep your vision clear, cause only a coward lives in fear."
8. Right and Wrong

"Without someone telling you what you are doing is wrong, you can't say what you are doing is right."
9. If you're Afraid

"If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!"
10. Companions

"Remember, you have no companions but your shadow"
11. Philosophy

"My philosophy is to not be scared of anyone. If I play well, great; if I dont, I learn from the match and move on."
12. Don't Think too Far

"I am not thinking too far ahead, just want to take it one thing at a time."