Home Quotes

Home Quotes

Home is the most secured and loving place for anybody. A man can travel the world but end of the day he would long to get back to his home. It is because, a home is where we get the ultimate love, care, encouragement and safety. However, home and house is not the same thing. House is just a structure made of brick or mud and home makes it habitable through love, care, feelings and comfort.

  • Happy Life Quotes
  • Family Quotes
  • 1. Hope

    I just hope
    "I just hope I'm faster than the defenders I play against."
    -Alex Morgan

    2. Next Home Run

    "Every strike brings me closer to the next home run."
    -Rhonda Byrne

    3. Win and Get the Money

    "If I win and get the money, then the Oakland Police department is going to buy a boys' home, me a house, my family a house, and a Stop Police Brutality Center."
    -Tupac Shakur