Famous People Born On May 29
As per astrology, people born on 29th May come under the sign of Gemini. People born on this date are very articulate and thoughtful. They like to interact with people in and around then and communicating with people makes them energetic .They makes a good circle of friends. As they like to interact with people they are able to make friends very well and like to have fun with their friends. Some of the famous people born on 29th May are Jean Coutu, Noel Gallagher, Markus Frind and so on.
Andrew Clements Success Story
Andrew Clements is a celebrated American writer who is mostly revered for his children’s books. Frindle, his first novel itself won annual book awards in 20 different states of the US by a US schoolchildren vote. He is best renowned for writing books for children and you...
Jean Coutu Success Story
Jean Coutu is the chairman of the pharmacy retailer of Canada, Jean Coutu Group. There areabout twenty thousand people employed by the company and it has four hundred franchise stores in Ontario, Brunswick and Quebec. The first drug store was built by Coutu in 1969 and fr...
Markus Frind
Childhood Born in Bavaria in 1979, Markus Frind is a German based internet entrepreneur, who is best known to be the founder of PlentyOfFish. Founded in 2003, PlentyOfFish or POF is one of the most popular online dating sites primarily used in Canada, UK, Australia...
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People born on 29th may are highly imaginative and creative. They are highly intellectual people. As they have very creative mind they try to bring out creativity in all aspects of their life and enjoy the life to the fullest. They are intelligent and also a learner. They like to learn from others.
People born on this date are talented speakers. They are quite capable enough to communicate with the people of any class confidently. Moreover, people born on this date are very cautious and charming. These people are very highly driven spirit. They are very passionate about their independence. These people are very expressive and enthusiastic. People born on this date may have several goals. They have lots of innovative ideas in their mind and are also very attractive as well. They are very social individuals and prefer not to analyze their feelings. People born on this date are extremely goal oriented. These people work hard to make their dream into reality. People born on this date love to travel. They like to travel with their friends rather than their family. They are also eager to learn from traveling to different places.
One of the famous people born on 29th May is John Kennedy. He was born on this particular date in 1917. He was an American politician and the 35th President of the United States. He is also known as by his initials JFK.