Famous People Born On November 25

As per astrology people born on 25th November come under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. They are creative and idealistic. The ruling planet for the people born on this date is Neptune. They have lots of sensitivity, compassion and are genuinely affectionate people. These individuals are very much passionate about their life. People born on this date want to live their life to the fullest and want to have lots of fun in their life. They love to travel new places.

People born on this date are very much comfortable with new places as well as new companions. They are very adventurous people and they welcome change with open arms. They have a strong connection with their family and their loved ones. They want to spend fun time with their family and their close friends. These individuals treat the people the same way they wanted to treat. People born on this date are very cheerful. They make friends easily due to their encouraging, positive nature and kind heart.

Their personality attracts people a lot and hence they can easily make friends. People born on this date are don’t afraid of anything. They never lose control on themselves if any obstacle comes to their life. These individuals are very likeable people and are well organized.

People born on this date are restless and impatient individuals. They are extremely loyal and dedicated people. Whatever they do they do it with full devotion.

One of the famous people born on 25th November is Andrew Carnegie. He was born on the same date in the year 1835. He was a Scottish American industrialist. He was the one who led the enormous expansion of the America steel industry.