Famous People Born On April 7
As per astrology, people born on 7th April come under the zodiac sign of Aries. The ruling planet for the people born on this date is Neptune. They are very easy going people and are having great understanding of the feelings of others. They are very approachable .People born on this date have less ego. They have warm heart ad highly sociable. Some of the other people born on this date are Jackie Chan, Russell Crowe, Franck Ribery, Martyn Littlewood, John Cooper, and many more.
Jerry Brown Success Story
Jerry Brown became the 39th Governor of the California State in the year 2010, and also served as the Governor during the 1970s. ...
Jackie Chan Success Story
Childhood Jackie Chan was born on April 7, 1954 in British Hong Kong. He was born to Charles and Lee-Lee Chan and they named him Chan Kong-Sang at birth. He was sent the Nah-Hwa Primary School but Chan failed in his first year itself. He was a v...
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Due to their easy going personality, people born on this date can easily mix up with people of different classes and background very easily. People love to talk with them due to their expressive capability. They are fun loving people and want to create happiness in their life.
People born on 7th April are believed to be highly sociable. They like the social gathering and are comfortable being with crowd. They are naturally diplomatic, receptiveness, charm personality. They are also having innovative brilliance. People born on this date possess very realistic view of the world and tend to appreciate the simple things in their life. They are very determined people and they believe in fairness and justice. They are intelligent, responsive and creative.
They are very enthusiastic people and are very active. They put zeal in their life. People born on 7th April are very versatile people and are able do many task simultaneously. People born on this date are very supportive to their family and their friends.
One of the famous people who born on 7th April is Jackie Chan. He was born o the same date in the year 1954.He is from Hong Kong, China. He is a martial artist, actor, film director, producer. He is well known for his acrobatic fighting style in movies.