Famous People Born in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is a state beautifully situated near the coastlines of two lakes, Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. It also has many dense forests and farms in it. Scott Walker is the Governor of this state and the capital of this state is Madison. It is absolutely stunning to know that about 7,446 streams and rivers flow through this state. This state nicknamed as Badger state has 5 national parks. This state is the dairy capital of the US because it produces more milk than any other place in the country.

  • Mark Ruffalo Success Story

    Synopsis Mark Ruffalo is an American actor, director, humanitarian and producer. ...
  • Marissa Mayer Success Story

    Childhood Marissa Mayer was born on May 30, 1975 at Wausau, Wisconsin. Her father was an environmental engineer and her mother was an art teacher. Her dream was to study at the Stanford University. She fulfilled her dream by graduating from Stanford University with...

Let us now know some of the famous celebrities in Wisconsin. How could we afford not to know about this wonderful woman called Marissa Ann Mayor Young? She is a wondrous woman who by her magical talent brought the then start- up company called Google to the No.1 internet company in the world. It is a remarkable thing for her to be the CEO of the company within just 10 years. She is at present the CEO and President of Yahoo. She has won two awards during the years 2009 and 2011.

Paul Ryan-the 54th speaker of the US House and a notable politician at present is born in Wisconsin. The fact that he was reelected eight times proves the fact that he is an eminent politician who is widely accepted by his people. He is a person who has recommended a lot of amendments in the American law. Among his recommendations in the form of bills, two were later made into law.