Famous People Born On August 9
Individuals with a birthday of 9th August are independent but at the same time they need something to control and someone should appreciate & admire them. Though they are fully capable of being greatly successful on their own but they become much happier and get an additional boost, if they have an audience to follow them & look up to them as an example. They would hate to be alone.
Chris Cuomo Success Story
Profile Chri...
Melanie Success story
Failure at the first step doesn’t mean an end, but an opportunity to get up and proceed further towards your goal. Melanie Griffith, born to an advertising executive & former actor Peter Griffith and actress Tippi Hedren provides an inspirational ...
Lui Che Woo Success Story
The modest of humans have the greatest of ability to scale heights. Lui Che Woo’s story is nothing short of dreams, goals, strategy and hard work. He is known for his impeccable business acumen and vision. Childhood Lui Che Woo is the Chairman and o...
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Their zodiac sign is Leo and are characterized by upbeat, positive and humorous personality. These individuals with 9th August as birthday are ruled by the Sun, due to this, these very individuals are exceptionally confident and determined in what they do. If we closely analyse the famous personalities born on 9th Aug, we will be able to see that how the characteristics matches their personality traits. Lui Che Woo, Melanie Griffith, Chris Cuomo, Juanes, John Key, Rod Laver, Whitney Houston, Sam Elliott are all successful Leos who exhibit the nature of their zodiac sign.
August 9 individuals are more of health preachers & they themselves do not follow whatever they preach & hence need to take care of their own health first. Money is an important and vital aspect of the living for these individuals. Thus, these people tend to work hard to secure for themselves a stable financial position for wellbeing of future. They mostly involve themselves in work that pays handsomely, while in terms of spending, they spend their money wisely & judiciously. These individuals are ambitious, versatile & highly creative, they excel in almost every jobs they choose.